Innovate. Engineer. Validate.

We offer a full stack of Engineering Services – from initial design to mass production, and beyond.

Testing & Validation

With in house customised product test rigs, environmental chassis dynamometer, salt exposure, gasoline exposure, thermal shock...

Design for Manufacturing

We have decades of in-depth process knowledge and experience that allows us to optimize designs for production.

System Calibration

We rigorously test under every condition to ensure a perfect match.

Value Addition / Value Engineering (VAVE)

We analyze and optimize every aspect of the product from technology to design to materials and process.

Analysis & Benchmarking

We provide a full report based on findings from tear down, performance benchmarking and other analyses.

Design, Drawing & Modelling

Our engineers use the latest software to create digital designs.

Computational Analysis & Simulation

We provide a wide range of CAE including Failure Modes, Finite Element Analysis, Thermal, Structural, Flow, and many more.

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